As the content of MOU signed between PVFCCo and Sojitz Group, from 16 to 22 June, task forces led by Mr. Nguyen Hong Vinh – PVFCCo’s Vice President, had a fertilizer market survey in Thailand and Philippines. Also joined the business trip were Ms Ngo Thi Minh Ha – from Petrovietnam’s Trading division, Mr. Bui Quang Hung – member of PVFCCo’s BOD – and the leaders of PVFCCo’s member companies. With Sojitz, PVFCCo visited Thai Central Chemical Public Co.Ltd (TCCC) and Atlas Ferilizer Corporation (AFC), for exchanging many experiences, sales and marketing NPK fertilizer in Thailand and Philippines.

Mr. Nguyen Hong Vinh (right) gave the souvenir to Mr. Masato Taikei (Persident & CEO TCCC) inThailand

With Mr. Ko Tojima (AFC) in Philippines

At NPK fertilizer plant Phrapadaeng (850.000 tons/year) in Bangkok, Thailand

Visit Centre Harbor, Manila, Philippines