PVFCCo deploys Covid-19 vaccine for employees
PVFCCo deploys Covid-19 vaccine for employees

Efforts to increase fertilizer supply for farmers
Efforts to increase fertilizer supply for farmers

PVFCCo supports Covid-19 fighting & prevention forces
PVFCCo supports Covid-19 fighting & prevention forces

Phu My Fertilizer Plant completed the periodical maintenance for 2021
Phu My Fertilizer Plant completed the periodical maintenance for 2021

General Director of Petrovietnam Le Manh Hung inspects the overall maintenance of Phu My Fertilizer Plant and works with PVFCCo.
General Director of Petrovietnam Le Manh Hung inspects the overall maintenance of Phu My Fertilizer Plant and works with PVFCCo.

PVFCCo continues to strengthen measures against Covid -19
PVFCCo continues to strengthen measures against Covid -19

PVFCCo successfully held the 2021 Annual General Meeting of shareholders
PVFCCo successfully held the 2021 Annual General Meeting of shareholders

Mr. Hoang Trong Dung was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of PVFCCo
Mr. Hoang Trong Dung was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of PVFCCo

PVFCCo appointed new Deputy General Director.
PVFCCo appointed new Deputy General Director.

PVFCCo organized a Sports Festival to celebrate the great national holidays.
PVFCCo organized a Sports Festival to celebrate the great national holidays.