PVFCCo promotes an emulation movement to complete the 2013 overall maintenance plan of Phu My Fertilizer Plant
PVFCCo promotes an emulation movement to complete the 2013 overall maintenance plan of Phu My Fertilizer Plant

PVFCCo SE hosted its Traditional Festival in celebration of the company’s fifth birthday (Aug 18, 2008 – Aug 18, 2013)
PVFCCo SE hosted its Traditional Festival in celebration of the company’s fifth birthday (Aug 18, 2008 – Aug 18, 2013)

Going to school with farmers’ children – Happy back to school at borderland
Going to school with farmers’ children – Happy back to school at borderland

PVFCCo North to host “experience exchange and fertilizer market inspection at border gates” for its second level customers
PVFCCo North to host “experience exchange and fertilizer market inspection at border gates” for its second level customers

PVFCCo’s Annual Report 2012 keeps harvesting golden award
PVFCCo’s Annual Report 2012 keeps harvesting golden award

PVFCCo’s Annual Report 2012 keeps harvesting golden award
PVFCCo’s Annual Report 2012 keeps harvesting golden award

PVFCCo has accomplished its fertilizer warehouse in Ninh Thuan province.
PVFCCo has accomplished its fertilizer warehouse in Ninh Thuan province.

PVFCCo has accomplished its fertilizer warehouse in Ninh Thuan province.
PVFCCo has accomplished its fertilizer warehouse in Ninh Thuan province.

PVFCCo keeps organizing visits to International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) for good farmers and agricultural officials around the country
PVFCCo keeps organizing visits to International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) for good farmers and agricultural officials around the country

PVFCCo keeps organizing visits to International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) for good farmers and agricultural officials around the country
PVFCCo keeps organizing visits to International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) for good farmers and agricultural officials around the country