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PVFCCo participated and presented, interacted with Investors at Vietnam Access Day 2014

Vietnam Access Day 2014 (VAD 2014) event – an investment connecting forum organised by Viet Capital Securities Company, occurred from the 18th to 21st March 2014 in Ho Chi Minh City. It is regarded as the biggest investment event in Vietnam considering its scale as well as its prevalence across domestic and foreign investment community. Aimed at establishing a connection bridge between local and international investors, VND 2014 incorporates seminars, discussionsaddressing topics that draw Investors’ concerns, especially foreign Investors’ such as: negotiating and signing the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (TTP), potentials of investments in Vietnamese securities market, attracting almost 400 participants representing local and foreign financial institutions and investment funds.

From the 18th – 19th March 2014, the Board of Directors of the Corporation and the Investor Relations team participated and conducted presentations, interacted with representatives of investment consulting companies, guest speakers and local and foreign financial organisations, investment funds (Polunin Capital Partners, Everest Capital, Oracle Management, HNC Capital, Driehaus Capital Management, Alpha Absolute Company) and many other representatives of Investment funds operating in Vietnam who are also shareholders of DPM) in order to exchange and update information relating to new investment project operations, market information and DPM’s business plans, investment opportunities in DPM shares.

            Followings are some photos: